Dental implants can be placed in fresh sockets immediately after tooth extraction. These are called “immediate” implants. “Immediate-delayed'” implants are those implants inserted after one or more weeks, up to a month or more, to allow for soft tissue healing. “Delayed” implants are those placed thereafter in partially or completely healed bone. The advantage of immediate placed implants is the shortened treatment time. Bone height will be maintained thus improving implant bone support and aesthetic results. The extraction socket can have an implant placed immediately after a CHRONICALLY infected tooth is removed but needs to have the replacing implant anchored into bone and the site grafted at the same time with a PTFE membrane that excludes soft tissue, allowing the bone grafted socket site to heal normally with the newly placed implant.
Dr. EDward M. Amet is pleased to provide dental implants after tooth extraction in Overland Park, Kansas. We invite you to contact Reconstructive and Implant Dental Center at 913-534-8801 today to learn more and to schedule a visit with our prosthodontist.

Chronic Abscess 1

Chronic Abscess 2

Immediate Extraction Site Start of Implant Placement 1

Immediate Extraction Site Start of Implant Placement 2

Implant Site Development and Evaluation With Rapid CCD Radiograph at Time of Implant Placement 1

Implant Site Development and Evaluation With Rapid CCD Radiograph at Time of Implant Placement 2

Centered and Ideally Placed Immediate Implant With Cover Screw 1

Centered and Ideally Placed Immediate Implant With Cover Screw 2

PTFE Membrane Covering Graft

PTFE Membrane and Sutures Covering Graft

PTFE Membrane and Sutures Covering Graft 2

Membrane Removed at Six Weeks

3 Months Post-Op with Strengthening of Hard & Soft Tissue

3 Months Post-Op with Strengthening of Hard & Soft Tissue

Final Impression with Combined “Open” & “Closed” Tray Technique

Final Impression with Combined “Open” & “Closed” Tray Technique

Healing Abutment

Master Cast

Custom Abutment on Master Cast and Inserted

Custom Abutment on Master Cast and Inserted

Radiograph of Custom Abutment and Bone Strengthening

Provisional Crown for Provisional Loading of Implant

Provisional Crown for Provisional Loading of Implant

Final Crown on Master Cast and Insertion with Composite in Screw Access Hole

Final Crown on Master Cast and Insertion with Composite in Screw Access Hole

Final Crown Six Month Post-Op with Composite in Screw Access Hole

Six Year Follow-Up With Soft Tissue Esthetics

Six-Year Follow-Up