If you are interested in how our prosthodontist places dental implants using bone grafting and membrane, call 913-534-8801 to set up an appointment. Dr. EDward M. Amet provides quality prosthodontic treatment in Overland Park, Kansas, at Reconstructive and Implant Dental Center.

Fig 1. Initial Evaluation

Fig 2. Initial Evaluation

Fig 3. Initial Evaluation With Enlarged View of Teeth Needing Tx

Fig 4. Initial Panoramic Radiograph

Fig 5. Initial Radiograph With Mesial Bone Loss

Fig 6. Initial Radiograph With Mesial Bone Loss

Fig 7. Initial Radiograph Cross -Sectional Oblique c Bone Trajectory

Fig 8. CBCT scan with Simplant Study

Fig 9. 3-D Moveable Translucent Image

Fig 10. Removal of Tooth with Mesial Root Perforation

Fig 11. Extraction & Immediate Implant Placement with Change in Position

Fig 12. Immediate Implant Placement With Membrane

Fig 13. Immediate Implant Placement With Pepgen 15 Graft Mesial

Fig 13. Immediate Implant Placement With Pepgen 15 Graft Mesial

Fig 13. Immediate Implant Placement With Pepgen 15 Graft Mesial

Fig 14. Immediate Implant Placement

Fig 15. Immediate Implant Placement with Bone Graft, Non-Resorbable Membrane and Sutures

Fig 16. Post-Op One Day After Surgery

Fig 17. Post-Op Radiograph One Day After Surgery With Cross -Sectional Oblique and Bone Trajectory

Fig 18. At Time of Membrane Removal and Placement of Provisional

Fig 19. At Time of Membrane Removal, Final Impression and Placement of Provisional

Fig 20. At Time of Membrane Removal, Final Impression and Placement of Provisional

Fig 21. Custom Abutment and PFM Crown With Screw Access Hole at Time of Insertion

Fig 22. Custom Abutment and PFM Crown After Cementation Extraorally

Fig 23. Custom Abutment and PFM Crown After Insertion Intraorally With Composite to Screw Hole

Fig 24. Custom Abutment and PFM Crown After Insertion Intraorally With Composite to Screw Hole

Fig 24. Time of Loading Bone With Strengthening Complete