(HA) Hydroxylapatite Grafting
A totally edentulous ridge augmentation or grafting is a procedure done to increase the volume of the bone for implant or complete denture retention. Alveolar bone is lost over time for many reasons, including wearing of complete dentures. Edentulous ridge augmentation is then needed to increase the vertical height of bone for implant or complete denture retention. Complete denture stability is directly related to vertical height of bone.
Synthetic bone material composed of dense hydroxylapatite, H.A,. is used for ridge augmentation for denture retention. This grafting material “Perma-Ridge” is formed with beads of dense hydroxylapatite strung onto resorbable suture strands, bound together to form a semiflexible cylindrical matrix that is tissue implantable. This synthetic HA bone material is then placed onto and next to the existing bone using a minor surgical tunneling procedure. The dense H.A. will then rapidly unite with existing bone and tissue to restore more normal form, contour and denture support. The maxillary complete denture will then be much more stable, retentive, and comfortable than the pre-grafted ridge.
To get more information about whether you need a totally edentulous ridge augmentation in Overland Park, Kansas, we invite you to call 913-534-8801 and schedule a visit with Dr. EDward M. Amet, our prosthodontist at Reconstructive and Implant Dental Center.
CASE 1 Maxillary 3/4 HA Ridge Graft