Loss of teeth in either jaw will usually result in loss of function and aesthetics for the patient as well as loss of soft and hard supporting tissues for a removable tissue supported prosthesis. The bone loss is not limited to alveolar bone; portions of the basal bone may also develop loss. This continuing atrophy of bone after tooth removal is associated with treatment complications of instability and looseness of the maxillary complete denture. In the past, teeth have been routinely removed with little consideration for bone grafting, ridge preservation and long-term support of the maxillary complete denture prosthesis. The development of alloplastic materials and the placement of these into extraction sockets aids in bone preservation, slowing bone loss and maintaining positive bone support for the denture prosthesis. HTR is one of these materials and is combined with alveoloplasty compaction to plastically correct undercuts and contour bony projections or exostoses. Alveoloplasty compaction is a conservative essential treatment for successful denture path insertion and support.
Treatment Goal: Long-term bone preservation and ideal ridge form for the maxillary complete denture’s support.
Treatment: The number of patients receiving maxillary immediate & complete dentures is increasing. The general population is aging and living longer and as longevity increases, bone support under the prosthesis decreases unless bone grafting and ridge preservation have been completed.
We invite you to contact Reconstructive and Implant Dental Center today at 913-534-8801 to learn more about ridge preservation through maxillary alveoloplasty compaction in Overland Park, Kansas, and schedule a visit with our prosthodontist, Dr. EDward M. Amet.
Extractions, Alveoloplasty Compaction and HTR Grafting for Ridge Preservation

Pre-Operative Photograph

Pre-Operative Panoramic Radiograph

Pre-Operative Panoramic Radiograph

Simulated Bone Sockets With and Without HTR Grafting and Bone Preservation

Back Loading HTR Syringe for Rapid Tissue Healing

Intra-Operative Monitor for Simplant or CBCT Scan

Osteotome, Mallet and Chisel for Alveoloplasty Compaction

Alveoloplasty Compaction and HTR Grafting for Ridge Preservation

Alveoloplasty Compaction and HTR Grafting for Ridge Preservation

Alveoloplasty Compaction and HTR Grafting for Ridge Preservation

Alveoloplasty Compaction and HTR Grafting for Ridge Preservationy

Alveoloplasty Compaction and HTR Grafting for Ridge Preservation

Alveoloplasty Compaction and HTR Grafting for Ridge Preservation

Alveoloplasty Compaction and HTR Grafting for Ridge Preservation

Alveoloplasty Compaction and HTR Grafting for Ridge Preservation

Day of Surgery, Completion of Alveoloplasty Compaction, HTR Grafting With Primary Closure

Intaglio Surface of Maxillary Denture Allows the Plastically Reshaped Bone to Assume Ideal Ridge Shape and Form

Post-Operative, One Day Routinely No Pain or Facial Swelling

Five Days Slight Up Tick in Discomfort With No Facial Swelling or Discoloration, No Denture Adjustment

Post-Operative, Two Weeks No Pain and Return of Vestibular Height or Slightly Increased

Three Months

Post-Operative, One Day Radiograph

Completed Treatment and Restored Comfort Function and Aesthetics

28 Years of Continuous Maxillary Denture Wearing and Resulting Bone Loss

Simulated Bone Sockets With and Without HTR Grafting and Bone Preservation

Back-Loading HTR Syringe for Rapid Tissue Healing

Pre-Op Radiographs

Pre-Op Radiographs

Pre-Op Radiographs

Osteotome, Mallet and Chisel for Alveoloplasty Compaction

Alveoloplasty Compaction and HTR Grafting Procedure

Alveoloplasty Compaction and HTR Grafting Procedure and Membrane Closure

Pre-Op Photograph and Periosteal Reflection Demonstrating Bony Exostoses

Pre-Op Photograph and Periosteal Reflection Demonstrating Bony Exostoses

Pre-Op Photograph and Periosteal Reflection Demonstrating Bony Exostoses

Intaglio Surface of Maxillary Denture Allows the Plastically Reshaped Bone to Assume Ideal Ridge Shape and Form

5-Year Post-Op Photograph Demonstrating Soft Gentle Contours With Healed Ridge

Post-Op Radiograph With HTR Grafting

Completed Prosthesis