Diagnostic Wax-Up, Provisional or Reinforced Provisional Restorations for Simple to Complex Prosthodontic Treatment
Our prosthodontist at Reconstructive and Implant Dental Center can help you to create a healthier, more beautiful smile. Dr. EDward M. Amet takes the time to make sure that your restorations are personalized to your individual needs and are long-lasting.
During traditional or implant prosthodontic treatment, which can vary from simple to extensive with varying treatment times, there will be need for a durable aesthetic fixed provisional restoration. These provisional restorations need to be rapidly and easily constructed for the diagnostic & treatment phases of dentistry and need to be cost effective.
The needed strength of provisional restorations can be underestimated and the successful management of simple to complex treatment is more difficult because of breakage with the final prosthesis not fitting precisely and long-term treatment results less predictable. Knowledge of the strength and aesthetic criteria for treatment restorations and the adequacies of their construction are essential for prevention of catastrophic failures, patient management problems and compromised results. Many times, in complex prosthodontic treatment, changes are needed in both the dental and facial aesthetics, the plane of occlusion, incisal edge position, lip support, type of occlusion or the soft and/or hard tissues need to be altered or grafted surgically.
Prosthodontic treatment involving the need for dental implant surgery or extractions, will require immediate tooth replacement and there may be extended times between treatment. These prosthodontic challenges and changes can be addressed with acrylic provisional restorations that are reinforced and adequately retained with traditional dental cement or screw retained, during the interim stage of healing and treatment. In addition, the provisional restoration should serve as a guide for the final restoration while aesthetics and phonetics are evaluated for patient acceptance. This article describes and demonstrates the materials and techniques used with indirect techniques for fabrication of an extended treatment acrylic provisional restoration that uses an internal cast metal support system for strength. This support system consists of metal bands or copings with extensions into edentulous areas and that have been porcelain opaqued to neutralize the metallic color. A matrix of vinyl polysiloxane made from the diagnostic wax-up simplifies construction of the acrylic, resulting in a strong, ridged, yet aesthetic result.
We perform prosthodontic treatments in Overland Park, Kansas, at Reconstructive and Implant Dental Center. Schedule your consultation today at 913-534-8801.