The Single Dental Implant With Custom Abutment and Crown
Figure 1
Figure 2

Figure 1 & 2: Here is an Example of a Patient Treated With a Single Implant to Replace a Hopelessly Decayed Lateral Incisor.
Figure 3
Figure 4

Figure 3: DIAGNOSTIC CAST of Lateral Incisor Used for Construction of Unique Provisional Restoration Figure 4: FACIAL VIEW of Unique Provisional Restoration, Used for Interim Placement of Lateral Incisor and to Stabilize the Mandibular Anterior Teeth During Healing From Extraction and Implant Placement
Figure 5
Figure 6

Figure 5: LINGUAL VIEW of Unique Provisional Restoration With Reverse Retention Openings for Composite Cement.
Figure 6: FACIAL VIEW of Unique Provisional Restoration, Used for Interim Placement of Lateral Incisor and to Stabilize the Mandibular Anterior Teeth During Healing From Extraction and Implant Placement.